in inspiration, quotes
in inspiration
Some Tuesday Inspo:
Some thoughts for Friday -
in inspiration
Note to self:
Came across this quote this morning and it's too good not to share:
"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it"
-Robert Swan, OBE
and then this one:
in inspiration
This image I stumbled across on the world wide web.
Repeat after me:
in inspiration, quotes
Two words: Dream. Room.
in inspiration
Can it get any more peaceful and perfect? I think not.
Loving the color palette.
A colorwheel for December.....
in inspiration
in inspiration
in inspiration
A reminder for us all, especially as we quickly approach the hectic holiday season. Life is sweet.
Yago Hortal:
in inspiration
Stumbled across this amazing Spanish artist's work and just can't stop staring. All the colors! Music to my eyes. So tactile and yummy. Here's a small sampling, below, but for more, got to the artist's website: here.
"Knees Up Like A Unicorn"
in inspiration
This video will make you smile.
(Best Barbie commercial ever.)
in inspiration
Happy (early) 4th of July!!
in inspiration